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Wednesday, 14 March 2012

true story.

hye! olla!

okay, today, saya nak share serba sedikit cerita tentang jiwang2 ni. korang ni mesti yang ada bercouple2 kan? so, lebih baik la korang ta yah la couple2 ni. untuk kebaikan korang jugak kan? macam saya ni, mana ada nak bercintan cintun, just focus to PMR soon. maklumlah, PMR victims la katekan.

okay, the advantages of not having lover is:

= can sleep well.
= can save time and money.
= no worries about how you look.
= no missed call in mid night.
= no need to recharge twice a day.
= can talk to all boys and girls.
= can eat well.
= no scoldings from parents.
= can eat at any restaurant.
= don't have to bother about missed called.
= no boring sms  in the middle of night.

hehe! cerita di atas adalah benar2 belaka. and ia berlaku ke atas diri saya! yeahuu! huhu! don't be jelly k?! hihi!

okaylah korang, nak pi mandi. mandi petang okay! pagi saya dah mandi. just tinggalk mandi petang pulak! korang mandi ke? hoho!


p/s: esok maybe balik rumah lama. hari ahad hari tu, ta jadi, coz, jam gile dekat kuala pilah. 


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